Biplab's Courses

My Courses

I have an array of  Courses.

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Self-Image Management

Self-Image Management is of utmost importance if we want to succeed in life and if we want to be in control in life. The significant role Self-Image plays is the way we project ourself in this world as such lack of Confidence, Shyness etc can be easily resolved

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Peak Performance

Peak Performance Course enables anybody to perform at the peak of their ability. innumerable exercises/

Coaching Master Class

A holistic course on Coaching, Life Coaching which covers each and every facets of Coaching.

Present Yourself Magically

Present Yourself Magically will make You a Charismatic Presenter. Charisma is a learned behavior. This course has plethora of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mental Space Psychology techniques.

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Relationship Management

This Course trains You to manage and value relations with a host of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mental Space Psychology Exercises.

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Good Bye Depression

A holistic course to overcome Depression which has plethora of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Metal Space Psychology Techniques.


Coaching Sessions Customized To suit an Individuals need.

Experience the Growth Today!